Strangely Warm Hearts
Strangely Warm Hearts aims at connecting to the deeper parts of who we are, what makes us tick, what inspires us, what moves us, what warms our hearts. We make this connection through something we could all agree has moved us at one time or another, the conduit of music. Across genres, across generations, music has cemented in our memories first dates, heartbreaks, love, depression, celebration, relaxation, and more. Using each artists' own words, we form an opinion about what they are trying to say, and what that means for our lives, and our interactions with the world around us. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together!
Strangely Warm Hearts
Happiness Machine
Joseph Armstrong
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode 2 brings our first guest, and we use some 90’s-2000’s Alternative to wade through the topic of suicide. There is beauty in the pain, and we hope you find that in this episode! As always, this is 100% interpretive. If you don't agree with our interpretation, let us know! Be respectful and open minded, and post your thoughts and comments below!